How to lower bounce rates

Bouncing Back from High Bounce Rates – Top Improvement Tips

A high bounce rate can be a symptom of an ailing website. If your bounce rate is high, then your site isn’t retaining traffic well enough. This is problematic on many levels, as we will…
SEO Quick Wins for E-commerce

5 SEO Quick Wins for E-commerce (With Bonus Wins!)

As an entrepreneur, increasing your sales and scaling out is a primary goal, and for many of us, this is much easier said than done when it comes to the internet and marketing online. Hitting…
SEO and user search intent

Why User Intent is Critical to Effective SEO?

An inevitable outcome of the fast-paced 21st century is that any working-class member rarely has time to physically search for products/services. As a result, most people turn to internet search engines whenever they come across…
storytelling and SEO

How Can Storytelling Boost Your SEO Efforts

Storytelling and SEO don’t seem to fit in the same sentence. The former deals with human emotion, while the latter is technical and has less to do with human emotion. However, for your SEO efforts…
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