The Darkside of Reviews: How Online Reputation Management Can Save Your Business

Online Reputation Management. A sector that many do not understand, but need. Why? Well, if you are a business owner or professional, what people find online about you, can do several things that can influence…
KPIs for startups

8 Growth KPIs Every Startup Should Track

Owning a start-up can be fun, exciting, and extremely lucrative, but only if you know what to look for and can capitalize on your opportunities, but how can you track your growth and find where…

How to Write & Design Cold Emails to Generate Hot Leads

It’s not easy getting someone to respond to a cold email. Perhaps you’ve heard someone say that cold emails are dead and that something new will surely replace them in the near future. Right now…

5 Hacks That Use Micro-copy to Your Advantage

Ever wonder how you can make your website more inviting to others? Thinking about ways to constantly be able to make the small things combine into a larger, more enjoyable experience for your visitors? There…
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